
As TENILAY CONSULTING company which we established in 2014, we provide beautifully furnished flats to foreigner who are in Istanbul for business trips for short and medium term (from I month up to 12+ months ). As TENILAY CONSULTANCY, we provide turnkey rentals instead of working with companies, hotels, apartments and brokers. As TENILAY CONSULTANCY we provide your elite real estate in the city and arrange it according to your requests and make it ready for your accommodation. We also provide you with a modern living and A 24/7 customer support system to offer you a private life. As TENILAY CONSULTANCY we reduce the cost of accommodation for your customers by 30-50 per cent and ensure that your stay is completely comfortable and peaceful.

to choose

during your stay in our country, considering all the facilities you may need for you, Tenilay Consulting provides accommodation in the most appropriate locations.

- 24/7 consulting service
- Reliable Team
- Luxury living spaces in first class apartments